Access values ​​in a nested nested structure

I am new to Rust and want to implement an AVL tree.

I am using the following enum to represent my tree:

enum AvlTree<T> {
    Node {
        left: Box<AvlTree<T>>,
        right: Box<AvlTree<T>>,
        value: T


When implementing one of the balance functions, I run into some ownership and borrowing issues.

I am trying to write a function that takes AvlTree<T>

and returns another AvlTree<T>

. My first attempt was something like this:

fn balance_ll(tree: AvlTree<T>) -> AvlTree<T> {
    if let AvlTree::Node {left: t, right: u, value: v} = tree {
        if let AvlTree::Node {left: ref tl, right: ref ul, value: ref vl} = *t {
            AvlTree::Leaf // Return a new AvlTree here
        } else {
    } else {


Even in this minimal example, the compiler returns an error:

error[E0382]: use of partially moved value: `tree`             
63 |         if let AvlTree::Node {left: t, right: u, value: v} = tree {                                                       
   |                                     - value moved here    
67 |                 tree      
   |                 ^^^^ value used here after move           
   = note: move occurs because `(tree:AvlTree::Node).left` has type `std::boxed::Box<AvlTree<T>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait                  


I think I am understanding the error message correctly, since destructuring AvlTree::Node

will result in the grabbing of ownership of the example tree. How can I prevent this? I've tried different things already and (de-) referenced tree

-variable just to encounter more errors.

Also, I want to use some of the extracted values ​​like u

, tl

and vl

in a new structure. Is this possible and could you provide a minimal example that does exactly this? I don't need access to the old tree after the function has been executed.


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1 answer

I think I understood the error message correctly, since destructuring AvlTree::Node

would result in the grabbing of ownership of the example tree.

Yes. If you still need to use tree

after this, you will need to make a copy of it:

enum AvlTree<T> {...}

fn balance_ll<T: Clone>(tree: AvlTree<T>) -> AvlTree<T> {
    let copy = tree.clone();

    if let AvlTree::Node { left: t, right: u, value: v } = tree {
        if let AvlTree::Node { left: ref tl, right: ref ul, value: ref vl } = *t {
            AvlTree::Leaf // Return a new AvlTree here
        } else {
    } else {


or use a helper function that frees up its property quickly, but I don't think this is possible without the box templates:


impl<T> AvlTree<T> {
    fn is_left_node(&self) -> bool {
        if let &AvlTree::Node { left: ref t, right: ref u, value: ref v } = self {
            if let &box AvlTree::Node { left: ref tl, right: ref ul, value: ref vl } = t {
            } else {
        } else {

fn balance_ll<T>(tree: AvlTree<T>) -> AvlTree<T> {
    if tree.is_left_node() {
    } else {


Since you might want to use destructive values, you will probably prefer an option clone

, but maybe another will give you additional ideas.



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