The hashMapOf () method in Kotlin

Can someone please give me a specific example of a method hashMapOf()

and when should I use it?

If I do something like this:

val map2 : HashMap<String, String>  = hashMapOf()
    map2["ok"] = "yes"


This means initializing the map2 property that I can use.

But like other methods in Kotlin, for example:

val arr = arrayListOf<String>("1", "2", "3")


Can this method be used as described above?


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2 answers

It's simple:

val map = hashMapOf("ok" to "yes", "cancel" to "no")

print(map) // >>> {ok=yes, cancel=no}


The method hashMapOf

returns an instance java.util.HashMap

with the specified key-value pairs.

Under the hood :

 * Creates a tuple of type [Pair] from this and [that].
 * This can be useful for creating [Map] literals with less noise, for example:
 * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.mapFromPairs
public infix fun <A, B> B): Pair<A, B> = Pair(this, that)




Yes, you can. First example from :

val map: HashMap<Int, String> = hashMapOf(1 to "x", 2 to "y", -1 to "zz")
println(map) // {-1=zz, 1=x, 2=y}




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