Choosing the Right Core Matrix

I want to code the sfm pipeline itself using Matlab because I need some outputs that opencv functions don't provide. However, I am using opencv for comparison.

The Opencv function [E,mask] = cv.findEssentialMat(points1, points2, 'CameraMatrix',K, 'Method','Ransac');

provides an essential matrix solution using the five-point Nister and RANSAC algorithm.

higher indices are found using: InliersIndices=find(mask>0);

I used this Matlab fix of Nister's algorithm:


The function call is as follows:

[E_all, R_all, t_all, Eo_all] = five_point_algorithm( pts1, pts2, K, K);


The algorithm outputs up to 10 solutions of essential matrices. However, I ran into the following problems:

  • The above change only applies to perfect matches (no Ransac) and I am providing Algorithm 5 matching with InliersIndices

    , the derived base matrices (up to 10) are all different from those returned by Opencv.
  • All the main matrices returned should be solutions, so why when I triangulate for each one using the following function, I don't get the same 3D points?
  • How to choose the right marix solution you need?

I am triangulating using Matlab toolbox function

Projection matrices:

P1=K*[eye(3) [0;0;0]];
P2=K*[R_all{i} t_all{i}];

[pts3D,rep_error] = triangulate(pts1', pts2', P1',P2');



Returned E from [E,mask] = cv.findEssentialMat(points1, points2, 'CameraMatrix',K, 'Method','Ransac');

E =

    0.0052   -0.7068    0.0104
    0.7063    0.0050   -0.0305
   -0.0113    0.0168    0.0002


For a 5-point Matlab implementation, 5 random indices from the rulers are taken as follows:

pts1 =

  736.7744  740.2372  179.2428  610.5297  706.8776
  112.2673  109.9687   45.7010   91.4371   87.8194

pts2 =

  722.3037  725.3770  150.3997  595.3550  692.5383
  111.7898  108.6624   43.6847   90.6638   86.8139

K =

  723.3631    7.9120  601.7643
   -3.8553  719.6517  182.0588
    0.0075    0.0044    1.0000


and 4 solutions are returned:

E1 =

   -0.2205    0.9436   -0.1835
    0.8612    0.2447   -0.1531
    0.4442   -0.0600   -0.0378

 E2 =

   -0.2153    0.9573    0.1626
    0.8948    0.2456   -0.3474
    0.1003    0.1348   -0.0306
E3 =

    0.0010   -0.9802   -0.0957
    0.9768    0.0026   -0.1912
    0.0960    0.1736   -0.0019
E4 =

   -0.0005   -0.9788   -0.1427
    0.9756    0.0021   -0.1658
    0.1436    0.1470   -0.0030



pts1 and pts2 when triangulated using the essential matrix E, R and t returned by [R, t] = cv.recoverPose(E, p1, p2,'CameraMatrix',K);

X1 =

   -0.0940    0.0478   -0.4984
   -0.0963    0.0497   -0.4987
    0.3033    0.1009   -0.5202
   -0.0065    0.0636   -0.5053
   -0.0737    0.0653   -0.5011



R =

   -0.9977   -0.0063    0.0670
    0.0084   -0.9995    0.0305
    0.0667    0.0310    0.9973



t =



When triangulating with Matlab code, the selected solution E_all{2}


   -0.8559   -0.2677    0.4425
   -0.1505    0.9475    0.2821
   -0.4948    0.1748   -0.8512





X2 =

    0.1087   -0.0552    0.5762
    0.1129   -0.0578    0.5836
    0.4782    0.1582   -0.8198
    0.0028   -0.0264    0.2099
    0.0716   -0.0633    0.4862


By doing


ans =

   -0.8644   -0.8667   -0.8650
   -0.8524   -0.8603   -0.8546
    0.6343    0.6376    0.6346
   -2.3703   -2.4065   -2.4073
   -1.0288   -1.0320   -1.0305


There is an almost constant scale factor between triangulated 3D points. However, the rotation matrices are different and there is no scale factor between translations.



which makes the trajectory wrong


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