Can't mount Android Things image file in OS X to set up config files

Some tutorials recommend making changes to files, such as the wpa_supplicant.conf

Android Things image file, according to this answer on StackOverflow question . I am trying with Android Things Android Developer 4.1 image file.

However, I was unable to install this file for editing purposes in OS X. Various attempts to use the os x Disk Utility or command mount

from the terminal all result in some type of error message telling me the file format is incompatible. I can see in Disk Util or via terminal mount that the ISO image has 15 sectors (or partitions), but I cannot access them.

I even tried deploying Ubuntu on AWS by downloading and installing from there. No cubes.

   mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
   missing codepage or helper program, or other error

   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail or so.


Any advice? What I am missing.


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2 answers

On macOS, I did this:

  • Plug in SD card on your Mac
  • Run on terminal diskutil list

    and see the name of your SD card (in my case /dev/disk2s1

  • Create a directory where the sdcard will be mounted: sudo mkdir -p /Volumes/pisdcard

  • Install sdcard: sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/pisdcard

  • Edit what you want and unmount your SD card with: sudo umount /dev/disk2s1

This worked for me, I used to change config.txt

and cmdline.txt

change the UART mode and use the GPS module on Android Things.



hdiutil attach [file]

is a macOS command to process an image file as a disk device. If the image file contains a file system that macOS can read, it must also mount any volumes contained in the file. If your image contains a volume that is not supported by macOS (like ext4), you also need to install the appropriate driver before you can mount the volume.



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