Meaning Error while reading tif image with saw in python?

I need to read a 2200x 2200 tif image and type uint16. I am using PIL library with anaconda python like this:

from PIL import Image
img ='test.tif')


I got the following error: ValueError: tile cannot extend outside image

What could be causing this and how to fix it? I am using anaconda python3.6.1 version


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2 answers

The problem is that PIL wants to see ".tiff" at the end of the filename. You have ".tif". The solution is to rename your file to test.tiff.



This is because there is a bug in the image encoding; the tiles in the TIF file do indeed propagate outside the image. You can confirm this by looking at the snippets:


which will output something like:

[('tiff_lzw', (0, 0, 240, 240), 16, 'RGB'), ('tiff_lzw', (240, 0, 480, 240), 94905, 'RGB'), ... ('tiff_lzw', (720, 960, 960, 1200), 1711985, 'RGB'), ('tiff_lzw', (960, 960, 1200, 1200), 1730566, 'RGB')]

In the case of my example above, the image dimensions were 1000x1000

pixels, but obviously the tiles expand to 1200x1200

. You can either crop the image to the expected size (lose some information), or expand the image size to include all tiles. See examples here:

ie, im.size = (1000, 1000)

orim.tile = [e for e in im.tile if e[1][2] < 1200 and e[1][3] < 1200]



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