Massive assignment for many instances in python
Suppose I have a class:
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self.prop = None
I need to do:
[foo1.prop, foo2.prop, ..., fooN.prop] = [prop_value1, prop_value2, ..., prop_value3]
Obviously it's N
always the same, so I have to do it dynamically. The first approach is to do a for loop:
for foo, value in zip(foo_list, value_list):
foo.prop = value
But the question is ... is there a better approach in Python? I mean better performance.
By the way, N > 1000
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"Is there a better approach in Python? I mean better performance."
I do not believe there is. Let me do some temporary experiments. First, consider an alternative way of doing your job: you can use a setter for your class and call that setter inside an understanding / map.
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
self.prop = None
def setProp(self, prop):
self.prop = prop
Now you can do this:
from functools import partial f = partial(Foo.setProp) fooList = [...] propList = [...] list(map(f, fooList, propList))
This works as expected. We can use timeit
to get some temporary results with N = 1000
- For loop approach
10,000 loops, best of 3: 95.8 ΞΌs per loop
- Map approach
1000 loops, best of 3: 199 ΞΌs per loop
Conclusion: It seems that the timings differ by 2 times. I believe that nothing can beat the for loop for this particular use case, it is the syntax of the language and is faster than using any function.
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One way to improve might be that you store the class variables already in a python compatible dict (think pickle). Then you can do something similar to
Foo.__dict__ = loaded_dict_value
This may be faster than the suggested method due to the fact that
Foo.value = loaded_value
Equivalent Foo.__dict__['value'] = loaded_value
. This means one more lookup (for the memory location "value" in __dict__. However, I don't suspect you'll get much performance out of this.
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