How can I group by month from a Date field using Python / Pandas

I have a Data-frame df that looks like this:

| date      | Revenue |
| 6/2/2017  | 100     |
| 5/23/2017 | 200     |
| 5/20/2017 | 300     |
| 6/22/2017 | 400     |
| 6/21/2017 | 500     |


I need to group the specified data by month to get the output as:

| date | SUM(Revenue) |
| May  | 500          |
| June | 1000         |


I tried this code but it didn't work:

df.groupby(month('date')).agg({'Revenue': 'sum'})


I only want to use Pandas or Numpy and no additional libraries


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2 answers

try this:

In [6]: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

In [7]: df
        date  Revenue
0 2017-06-02      100
1 2017-05-23      200
2 2017-05-20      300
3 2017-06-22      400
4 2017-06-21      500

In [59]: df.groupby(df['date'].dt.strftime('%B'))['Revenue'].sum().sort_values()
May      500
June    1000




Try a group with pandas Grouper :

df = pd.DataFrame({'date':['6/2/2017','5/23/2017','5/20/2017','6/22/2017','6/21/2017'],'Revenue':[100,200,300,400,500]}) = pd.to_datetime(
dg = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='1M')).sum() # groupby each 1 month
dg.index = dg.index.strftime('%B')

 May    500
June    1000




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