More information about the Columnar or "Column-family" data model in Cosmos DB

In a statement, the Cosmos DB engine "natively supports multiple data models: key value, documents, graphs, and column columns ."

However, I cannot find any other information specific to the columnar model.

There is also information on the following APIs:

  • API DocumentDB
  • Table API
  • Graphics API

But nothing about Columnar or Column-family, as described in various resumes.



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2 answers

cannot find any other information specific to the columnar model

This article will help you understand the concept of a column family:

You might think of a column family database, how to store tabular data with rows and columns, but columns are divided into groups known as column families. Each column family contains a set of columns that are logically related to each other and are usually retrieved or processed as a whole. Other data that is separately available can be stored in separate column families. Within a column family, new columns can be added dynamically, and rows can be sparse (that is, a row does not need to have a value for every column).

Also, as David Macogon said, you can give your feedback (or comment) on this page, or contact the Cosmos DB team in this email ( ) for more information on the Column Family Data Model.



Cosmos DB now has a Cassandra API as of November 2017 that provides a column store interface. It uses the same protocol as native Cassandra, allowing you to use your existing SDK to connect to the Cassandra API.

You will need to select the Cassandra API when creating a new Cosmos DB account, which will be one of several APIs that you can choose from (the others are DocumentDB SQL, MongoDB, Gremlin, and Table).

More information on the Cassandra API is available here .



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