Initialize GMM with sklearn python

I want to create a GMM sklearn object with a predefined set of means, weights and covariances (on a grid).

I managed it:

from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import numpy as np

def get_grid_gmm(subdivisions=[10,10,10], variance=0.05 ):
    n_gaussians = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,subdivisions)
    step = [ 1.0/(2*subdivisions[0]),  1.0/(2*subdivisions[1]),  1.0/(2*subdivisions[2])]

    means = np.mgrid[ step[0] : 1.0-step[0]: complex(0,subdivisions[0]),
                      step[1] : 1.0-step[1]: complex(0,subdivisions[1]),
                      step[2] : 1.0-step[2]: complex(0,subdivisions[2])]
    means = np.reshape(means,[-1,3])
    covariances = variance*np.ones_like(means)
    weights = (1.0/n_gaussians)*np.ones(n_gaussians)
    gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_gaussians, covariance_type='spherical' )
    gmm.weights_ = weights
    gmm.covariances_ = covariances
    gmm.means_ = means
    return gmm

def main():
    xx = np.random.rand(100,3)
    gmm = get_grid_gmm()
    y= gmm.predict_proba(xx)

if __name__ == "__main__":


The problem is that there is no method gmm.predict_proba()

that I need to use later. How can I overcome this?

UPDATE : I updated the code to be a complete example that shows the error


I have updated the code as per the comments and answers

from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import numpy as np

def get_grid_gmm(subdivisions=[10,10,10], variance=0.05 ):
    n_gaussians = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y,subdivisions)
    step = [ 1.0/(2*subdivisions[0]),  1.0/(2*subdivisions[1]),  1.0/(2*subdivisions[2])]

    means = np.mgrid[ step[0] : 1.0-step[0]: complex(0,subdivisions[0]),
                      step[1] : 1.0-step[1]: complex(0,subdivisions[1]),
                      step[2] : 1.0-step[2]: complex(0,subdivisions[2])]
    means = np.reshape(means,[3,-1])
    covariances = variance*np.ones(n_gaussians)
    cov_type = 'spherical'
    weights = (1.0/n_gaussians)*np.ones(n_gaussians)
    gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_gaussians, covariance_type=cov_type )
    gmm.weights_ = weights
    gmm.covariances_ = covariances
    gmm.means_ = means
    from sklearn.mixture.gaussian_mixture import _compute_precision_cholesky
    gmm.precisions_cholesky_ = _compute_precision_cholesky(covariances, cov_type)
    gmm.precisions_ = gmm.precisions_cholesky_ ** 2
    return gmm

def main():
    xx = np.random.rand(100,3)
    gmm = get_grid_gmm()
    _, y = gmm._estimate_log_prob(xx)
    y = np.exp(y)

if __name__ == "__main__":


There are no more errors, but _estimate_log_prob and predict_proba do not give the same result for the set GMM. Why might this be?


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1 answer

Since you are not training the model, but simply using a function to evaluate, you do not need to use an object, but you can use the same function they use under the hood. You can try _estimate_log_gaussian_prob

. This is what they do internally, I think.

Look at the source:

specifically in the base class

which calls a specific method which in turn calls the function



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