QMutexLocker, QMutex C2530 references must be initialized

I have it QMutex m_mutex;

like a private field in my class and I try to block it using QMutexLocker

from one of the methods, but when I try to build it I get error C2530 (my compiler is MSVC 2015).

#include <QObject>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QMutexLocker>

class MyClass : public QObject
    MyClass(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}

    void setValue(const SomeEnum& val) 
        QMutexLocker(&m_mutex) // C2530
        m_enum = val;
    QMutex m_mutex;
    SomeEnum m_enum;


EDIT: it works when i use &this->m_mutex


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1 answer

The code should be:

QMutexLocker something(&m_mutex);


which declares a named variable something

, which is QMutexLocker, and persists until the end of the block (which in this case is the end of the function).

The code QMutexLocker(&m_mutex);

is a bit annoying parsing - it follows the syntax for declaring a link, i.e. it is the same as QMutexLocker& m_mutex;

which throws an error because the links need to be initialized.

The code QMutexLocker(&this->m_mutex);

doesn't match the syntax for declaring a link, so you won't get this error. However, it creates a temporary object QMutexLocker

, which is then immediately destroyed. So, while it doesn't give a compile-time error, it probably doesn't do what you intended: the mutex will lock and then unlock before the next statement is executed.



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