Pandas group plot with different X-Axis order

I am working on titanic.csv

and am trying to do some plots. Start in one question. How can I re-arrange the X-axis to position the same pclass value next to each other.

my current code:

titanic.groupby(['Sex', 'Pclass'])['Survived'].mean().plot(kind='bar', color=my_colors)


output the following diagram: enter image description here

I would like to put men and women from the same class next to each other to show the difference in survival. Any suggestion?


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2 answers

Just change the order of the columns in groupby:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

my_colors = ['r','g','b','k','y','magenta']
titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['survived'].mean().plot(kind='bar', color=my_colors)


enter image description here

Or you can add lines:

titanic.groupby(['pclass', 'sex'])['survived'].mean().unstack('sex').plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)


enter image description here

Why are you using mean

instead count




Altair can be very handy here. Here are three different one-line interfaces for creating three different visualizations of this dataset.

import seaborn as sns
titanic = sns.load_dataset("titanic")

from altair import *


First view

Chart(titanic).mark_bar().encode(x='pclass:O', y='mean(survived)', column='sex').configure_cell(width=200, height=200)


enter image description here

Second aspect.

Chart(titanic).mark_bar().encode(x='sex:N', y='mean(survived):Q',  column='pclass:O').configure_facet_cell(
        strokeWidth=0.0).configure_cell(width=200, height=200)


enter image description here


Chart(titanic).mark_bar().encode(x='pclass:O', y='mean(survived):Q',  color='sex:O').configure_cell(width=200, height=200)


enter image description here



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