Webpack - React Router V4 - code-stripping duplicate modules in asynchronous chunks

The main problem is that when splitting the code with react-routerV4 and then webpack 2, I have modules that are in multiple chunks that I cannot get in the main one.

My configuration is like this:

  • Webpack 2.2.1
  • React-route 4.1.1

I am using code splitting as in react-router v4 file

Basically, I don't use imports, but in my route config I have something like this:

import loadHome from 'bundle-loader?lazy&name=home-chunk!./pages/market/Home';
    path: url1,
    component: props => <Bundle load={loadHome}>{Home => <Home {...props} />}</Bundle>,
    exact: true,
  // other routes


This works great with code splitting and I end up with a package for each route and another package for node_modules that I can then split.

My problem is that I have one node_module (react-slick) that is in multiple packages. So I want to get it in the main kit.

My webpack config:

module.exports = {
  entry: [
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/build'),
    publicPath: '/build/',
    chunkFilename: "[name].js?[hash]",
    filename: '[name].js',
  plugins: [
    new BundleAnalyzerPlugin(),
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      'process.env': {
        'NODE_ENV': '"production"'
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: ['4_node-modules'],
      minChunks(module) {
       const context = module.context;
       return context && context.indexOf('node_modules') >= 0;
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: ['3_react'],
      chunks: ['4_node-modules'],
      minChunks(module) {
        return module.context && /.*\/react.*/.test(module.context);
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
        children: true,
        minChunks: 2,
    new ExtractTextPlugin({
      filename: '[name].css',
      allChunks: true,
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      filename: '../index.prod.html',
      template: 'src/template.index.prod.html',
      inject: false,
      hash: true,


According to the documentation, this should do the trick:

new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    children: true,
    minChunks: 2,


But nothing happens, I still have "reaction spots" in my 3 bundles.

Does anyone have a hint of what's going on?

Any help is appreciated :) Thanks!


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1 answer

And finally I got a solution;)

I am allowing this so someone can help.

Answer: Without pointing a piece, it does not seem to target all pieces, but only the last created one.

So, let's say with a V4 reactive router, we created 2 houses for async chunks and a "welcome chunk". The way to get the common chunks out of it is to add to the webpack config file (in pluggins):

new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin( {
  name : 'common',
  chunks : ['home-chunk', 'welcome-chunk'],
  minChunks : 2,


This will check if the async chunks have shared modules, and if so, add them to the shared chunk.



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