Change telegram owner

We have created a telegram that has many complex operations. The bot was created by one developer using his phone number. Is it possible to change the owner of the bot or add another user as administrator for the bot?


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3 answers

One possible solution (the simplest one seems to me) is to create a new bot with the same username . So you just need to delete the old bot , create a new one and change the bot token in the program code.

Please note that this is only possible if the old owner of the bot cooperates . To prevent such situations, your company needs to create one telegram account to create bots, channels, etc., without being tied to specific individuals.



Cannot be passed by @BotFather command.

You can contact a @BotSupport human supporter , they may have permission to transfer it.



the developer can delete all other bots, channel and chat history, and then use CHANGE NUMBER when setting up and transferring the bot to a new mobile number. the developer can then log in again with their own mobile number to send the telegram as a new account.



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