Get CMake not to be silent about sources it doesn't understand?

Let's say you have a very simple CMakeLists.txt

add_executable(silent T.cpp A.asm)


CMake will happily generate a C ++ target to build silent

, with T.cpp

in it, but will silently discard any reference to A.asm

because it doesn't know what to do with the suffix.

Is there a way to get CMake to loudly complain about this source file it doesn't understand (to help port the Makefile for CMake).


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2 answers

Ignoring unknown file extensions - unfortunately for your case - by design.

If I look at the code cmGeneratorTarget::ComputeKindedSources()

, all unknowns end up being classified as SourceKindExtra

(for adding as such to the generated IDE files).

So, I tested a bit and came up with the following script that evaluates your executable target source files for valid file extensions, overwriting add_executable()


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)

project(silent CXX)

file(WRITE T.cpp "int main() { return 0; }")
file(WRITE T.h "")
file(WRITE A.asm "")

function(add_executable _target)
    _add_executable(${_target} ${ARGN})

    foreach(_lang IN LISTS _langs)
        list(APPEND _ignore "${CMAKE_${_lang}_IGNORE_EXTENSIONS}")

    get_target_property(_srcs ${_target} SOURCES)
    foreach(_src IN LISTS _srcs)
        get_source_file_property(_lang "${_src}" LANGUAGE)
        get_filename_component(_ext "${_src}" EXT)
        string(SUBSTRING "${_ext}" 1 -1 _ext) # remove leading dot
        if (NOT _lang AND NOT _ext IN_LIST _ignore)
            message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${_target}: Unknown source file type '${_src}'")

add_executable(silent T.cpp T.h A.asm)


Since you wanted to complain quite loudly about CMake, I declared it FATAL_ERROR

in this implementation example.



CMake doesn't just leave unknown files in add_executable()


If along with

add_executable(silent T.cpp A.asm)


you have

add_custom_command(OUTPUT A.asm COMMAND <...>
    DEPENDS <dependees>)


then whenever <dependees>

changed, CMake will rerun the command to build the A.asm

executable before compiling.

Note that auto-scanning of headers does not provide such functionality: if your executable includes foo.h

, then the executable will only be restored when it is modifiedfoo.h

... Any custom command creating this header will be ignored.

However, you can change the behavior add_executable

by overriding it. See @ Florian's answer for example about such an override.



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