SQL JOIN three tables, one with LIMIT 1

I am working on a house rental project in MySQL. In a simplified way, I have three tables. One of them contains data about the house, one of which has availability, the third - prices.

The prices here are tricky as there may be different prices for different people. For example. Renting a house 1 (Blue House) with four people is cheaper than 5 to 10 people. There is often an additional price per person next to the price of a house.

House table:

| id | name         | max_pers |
|  1 | Blue house   |       10 |
|  2 | Red house    |        8 |
|  3 | Yellow house |        8 |
|  4 | Grey house   |        4 |


Availability table:

| id | house_id | from_date  | to_date    |
|  1 |        1 | 2017-07-01 | 2017-07-14 |
|  2 |        1 | 2017-08-05 | 2017-08-19 |
|  3 |        2 | 2017-09-02 | 2017-09-16 |
|  4 |        3 | 2017-07-08 | 2017-07-14 |
|  5 |        4 | 2017-08-05 | 2017-08-12 |
|  6 |        4 | 2017-08-26 | 2017-09-02 |


Price table:

| id | house_id | from_date  | to_date    | max_pers | price  | add_per_pers |
|  1 |        1 | 2017-07-01 | 2017-07-08 |        4 | 110.00 |        15.00 |
|  2 |        1 | 2017-07-01 | 2017-07-08 |       10 | 140.00 |        10.00 |
|  3 |        1 | 2017-07-08 | 2017-07-14 |        4 | 120.00 |        15.00 |
|  4 |        1 | 2017-07-08 | 2017-07-14 |       10 | 150.00 |        10.00 |
|  5 |        1 | 2017-08-05 | 2017-08-12 |        4 | 130.00 |        20.00 |
|  6 |        1 | 2017-08-12 | 2017-08-19 |       10 | 180.00 |        15.00 |
|  7 |        2 | 2017-09-02 | 2017-09-09 |        8 | 210.00 |        30.00 |
|  8 |        2 | 2017-09-09 | 2017-09-16 |        8 | 220.00 |        30.00 |
|  9 |        3 | 2017-07-08 | 2017-07-14 |        6 | 300.00 |        40.00 |
| 10 |        3 | 2017-07-08 | 2017-07-14 |        8 | 360.00 |        50.00 |
| 11 |        4 | 2017-08-05 | 2017-08-12 |        4 |  80.00 |         null |
| 12 |        4 | 2018-08-26 | 2017-09-02 |        4 |  90.00 |         null |


The SQL dump of this test database can be downloaded here .


The query I'm trying to create should select houses where there are persons <= max_pers and where the house is available, then take the ONE price from the price table that has the smallest number of max_pers allowed. For example. when looking for the price of house 1 (Blue House) for 4 people per week 2017-07-01, it should give 110 as the price. The request must return the house ID, price and additional cost per person

My efforts

I got to the house number and price, snapping just the right price.

SELECT h.id AS house_id,
       (SELECT price
           FROM prices AS p
          WHERE p.house_id = h.id
            AND p.from_date = '2017-07-08'
            AND p.to_date = '2017-07-14'
            AND p.max_pers >= 6
         ORDER BY p.max_pers
         LIMIT 1) AS price
  FROM houses AS h
       INNER JOIN availability a
       ON h.id = a.house_id
 WHERE h.max_pers >= 6
   AND (a.from_date <= '2017-07-08'
       AND a.to_date >= '2017-07-14');


Which returns:

| house_id | price  |
|        1 | 150.00 |
|        3 | 360.00 |


So it works, but ... I am now stuck on how to add the add_per_pers column from the pricing table. I tried adding JOIN instead of select ... as. This way I can add a field, but then I cannot restrict data from prices to only the first one.

My best attempt:

SELECT h.id AS house_id, p.price, p.add_per_pers
  FROM houses AS h
       INNER JOIN availability a
       ON h.id = a.house_id
       INNER JOIN prices p
       ON h.id = p.house_id
 WHERE h.max_pers >= 6
   AND (a.from_date <= '2017-07-08'
       AND a.to_date >= '2017-07-14')
   AND p.from_date = '2017-07-08'
   AND p.to_date = '2017-07-14'
   AND p.max_pers >= 6;


Results (shouldn't be on the third line)

| house_id | price  | add_per_pers |
|        1 | 150.00 |        10.00 |
|        3 | 300.00 |        40.00 |
|        3 | 360.00 |        50.00 |


Desired result

Please help me get this desired output:

| house_id | price  | add_per_pers |
|        1 | 150.00 |        10.00 |
|        3 | 360.00 |        40.00 |


SQL Fiddle is available here

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2 answers

If I understood well, you only need the entry from Prices

which has the minimum value max_pers

. If you can first find the minimum maximum person that is above the minimum for each house_id and corresponding dates, then JOIN. Something like this should do it

 SELECT h.id AS house_id, p.price, p.add_per_pers
  FROM houses AS h
       INNER JOIN availability a
       ON h.id = a.house_id
       INNER JOIN prices p
       ON h.id = p.house_id
       INNER JOIN (
                  SELECT MIN(max_pers) AS max_pers
                  FROM `Prices` WHERE  from_date = '2017-07-08'
                  AND to_date = '2017-07-14' AND max_pers>=6
                  GROUP BY house_id) temp 
      ON p.`max_pers` = temp.`max_pers` 
      WHERE h.max_pers >= 6
      AND (a.from_date <= '2017-07-08'
      AND a.to_date >= '2017-07-14')
      AND p.from_date = '2017-07-08'
      AND p.to_date = '2017-07-14'
      AND p.max_pers >= 6



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Provided the scale and accuracy of prices are corrected, this trick will work

SELECT house_id, pp, (pp DIV 10000)/100 price, (pp%10000)/100 add_per_pers
SELECT h.id AS house_id,
       (SELECT CAST(price*1000000 + add_per_pers*100 AS UNSIGNED) pp
           FROM prices AS p
          WHERE p.house_id = h.id
            AND p.from_date = '2017-07-08'
            AND p.to_date = '2017-07-14'
            AND p.max_pers >= 6
         ORDER BY p.price
         LIMIT 1) AS pp
  FROM houses AS h
       INNER JOIN availability a
       ON h.id = a.house_id
 WHERE h.max_pers >= 6
   AND (a.from_date <= '2017-07-08'
       AND a.to_date >= '2017-07-14')
  ) t;



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