How to display row values โ€‹โ€‹as column names?

I have three tables in the following format:

Table_1 (Tax Types)

TaxTypeID   Code       Description  LocationID
 1          TaxA         DescA         1
 2          TaxB         DescB         1
 3          TaxC         DescB         1

Table_2 (Tax Plans)

PlanID    Name   Description   LocationID
 1        Plan1     Plan1          1

Table_3 (Cross Reference)

TaxTypeID   PlanID    TaxPercentage 
   1           1          5.00 
   2           1          7.00


So, I need to write a query that outputs below result when passing Plan_Id and also by mapping tables 1 and 2 LocationID:

PlanID  Name    TaxA   TaxB   TaxC
   1    Plan1   5.00   7.00   0.00


If table_3 is not cross-referenced between tables_1 and table_2, then the percentage should be displayed as 0.00. Basically I need to display rows in table_1 (tax types) as column names in my release, and that should be dynamic based on rows in table_1 (tax types). So, if a new line of tax type "TaxD" is added, it should have a new column TaxD with 0.00 as a percentage.

I know using Pivot in SQL we can get row values โ€‹โ€‹as column names and I tried to execute query

select *
select TaxTypeId,Code from Table_1  ) as p
for Code in ( [TaxA],[TaxB],[TaxC]) 
)as pvt


But this is not close to what I need.


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1 answer

You need to use max(TaxPercentage)

instead max(code)

in pivot

select * from
SELECT c.planid,c.NAME,taxpercentage,a.Code 
FROM   table_1 a 
       JOIN table_3 b 
         ON a.taxtypeid = b.taxtypeid 
       JOIN table_2 c 
         ON c.planid = b.planid 
) as p
for Code in ( [TaxA],[TaxB],[TaxC]) 
)as pvt


If the values โ€‹โ€‹are not defined in the code, you need to use dynamic pivot

declare @sql varchar(8000),@col_list varchar(8000),@pivot_list varchar(8000)

set @col_list =stuff((select distinct  ',Coalesce('+ quotename(Code) + ',0) as '+ quotename(Code) from Table_1 for xml path('')),1,1,'')

set @pivot_list =stuff((select distinct  ','+quotename(Code) from Table_1 for xml path('')),1,1,'')

set @sql  = 'select * from
SELECT c.planid,c.NAME,taxpercentage,a.Code 
FROM   table_1 a 
       JOIN table_3 b 
         ON a.taxtypeid = b.taxtypeid 
       JOIN table_2 c 
         ON c.planid = b.planid 
) as p
for Code in ( '+@pivot_list+') 
)as pvt'
--print @sql




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