Executing MainThread Handle in Unit Test

I have a function that runs in the background and updates the interface on the main thread when finished. I noticed that the unit test fails when the code reaches a call to the main thread. How do I fix this?

For example NB: long depicts pseudo logic in the project and not exact code

In the main code:

func getResponse(identifier : String, completion :(success :Bool)->){
   // uses identifier to request data via api and on completion:
   completion(status: true)

testObject.getResponse(wantedValue){(success) in
    if status == true {
           self.presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)



And in Unit test

func testGetResponse(){
     var testObject = TestObject()
     var expectation = self.self.expectationWithDescription("Response recieved")

     testObject.getResponse(wantedValue){(success) in

     self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10) { (error) in
        XCTAssertTrue(testViewController.presentedViewController as? CustomViewController)


This seems like a potential dead end, but I'm not sure how to get around it.


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1 answer

waitForExpectationsWithTimeout is also a return method for when your async function is not being called or executed as expected (and therefore did not call execute ()).

Try to check the error object.

I would recommend checking before making the fullfill () call.

See the following sample code for Swift 3 for how to use fullfill and waitForExpectationsWithTimeout.

func testGetResponse(){

    var testObject = TestObject()
    var validationExpectation = expectation(description: "Response received")

    testObject.getResponse(wantedValue){(success) in
        // Do your validation
        // Test succeeded

    waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(60) { (error) in
        if let error = error {
            // Test failed
            XCTFail("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")




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