Query using a subset of a path in Postgres

Given this table:

 id |            points (path)                 |
  1 | ((1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8))                |


Is it possible to achieve the following using a single geometric operator and a path argument (a sequential subset of the containing path), for example ((3,4),(5,6))


select * from things where points @> '(3,4)' and points @> '(5,6)';


source to share

3 answers

Maybe just convert it to string and match with LIKE

(you have to double because the path is closed):

select points::text  from things 
where (points::text || points::text) like '%(3,4),(5,6)%';


If you have a lot of things, it's worth building an index for the path to be used in a query like this (you need the trgm extension )

CREATE INDEX thing_text_paths ON things USING gin ( (points::text || points::text) gin_trgm_ops);


You can see it by running

SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
EXPLAIN select points::text  from things 
where (points::text || points::text) like '%(3,4),(5,6)%';


See http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/bd760/2/0



Postgres does not have a built-in geometric operator that fulfills assumptions. You can use arrays of points instead of paths, however this requires some preparation and superuser access.

You need to create an operator class for a type point

that allows you to compare values ​​of that type. The whole procedure is described in this post: Create a custom "equality operator" for the PostgreSQL type (dot). Here you have a copy of my code that I need in one of my projects: Postgres point_ops class.

The array solution requires a simple function that you can use instead of an operator:

create or replace function is_subpath(point[], point[])
returns boolean language plpgsql as $$
    for p in 1..cardinality($1) loop
        if $1[p] = $2[1] then
            for s in 2..cardinality($2) loop
                p:= p+ 1;
                if $1[p] <> $2[s] then
                    return false;
                end if;
                return true;
            end loop;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return false;
end $$;

drop table if exists things;
create table things(
    id int,
    points point[]
insert into things values
(1, '{"(3,4)","(1,2)","(5,6)","(7,8)"}'),
(2, '{"(1,2)","(3,4)","(5,6)","(7,8)"}');

select * 
from things 
where is_subpath(points, '{"(3,4)","(5,6)"}'::point[]);

 id |              points               
  2 | {"(1,2)","(3,4)","(5,6)","(7,8)"}
(1 row)




I would say that you have created a database design problem. Not only should you use two tables.

If you followed the third normal form. Your design will have a one to large relationship to the child table.

There will be four records in the child table.

If you followed the Sql code of practice, this would not be a problem. When you put multiple data values ​​in the same field, Sql is not designed to handle that well and this limits your kludge type solutions.



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