Using Dropzone with Typescript

I have an application that uses dropzone 4.3 and writes to Typescript. Before converting it to typescript, we needed to set a global variable to Dropzone and everything was happy.

Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;


I pulled in these node packages:

    "@types/dropzone": "^4.3.35",
    "dropzone": "4.3.0",


Now the autodiscover line gives me this error:

Error   TS2686  'Dropzone' refers to a UMD global, but the current file is a module. Consider adding an import instead.


To solve this problem, I added the following:

import * as Dropzone from 'dropzone';


Now I am left with this error:

Error   TS2540  Cannot assign to 'autoDiscover' because it is a constant or a read-only property.   


Where did I go wrong?


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1 answer

You can set autoDiscover to false like this

import * as Dropzone from "dropzone";    
const dz = Dropzone
dz.autoDiscover = false;


I found it from this link



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