Inequalities in pandas column

I have a pandas dataframe and I would like to create a new column based on an existing column and some inequalities. For example, let



so df

looks like

    a   b
0   1   3
1   2   6
2   3   4
3   4   2
4   5   7
5   6   7
6   7   1


I would like to add a new column res

that is 0 if the corresponding value in is a

less than 2, 1 if the corresponding value in a

is is at least 2 and less than 4, and 2 otherwise. So I would like to receive

    a   b   res
0   1   3   0
1   2   6   1
2   3   4   1
3   4   2   2
4   5   7   2
5   6   7   2
6   7   1   2


So far I have been doing it using apply

this way:

def f(x):
    if x['a']<2:
        return 0
    elif x['a']>=2 and x['a']<4:
        return 1
        return 2


but I was wondering if there is a more direct way or some specific pandas method that might allow me to do this.


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3 answers

You can use pd.cut


df['res'] = pd.cut(df.a,[-np.inf,2,4,np.inf],labels=[0,1,2],right=False)



   a  b res
0  1  3   0
1  2  6   1
2  3  4   1
3  4  2   2
4  5  7   2
5  6  7   2
6  7  1   2




For multiple values, you can also use numpy.where

as a vectorized solution:

df['res'] = < 2, 0, >= 2) & (df.a < 4), 1, 2))
#   a   b   res
#0  1   3   0
#1  2   6   1
#2  3   4   1
#3  4   2   2
#4  5   7   2
#5  6   7   2
#6  7   1   2





Should give you better results. Similarly pd.cut

, you need to specify breakpoints.



df.assign(res=pd.Series([2, 4]).searchsorted(df.a, side='right'))

   a  b  res
0  1  3    0
1  2  6    1
2  3  4    1
3  4  2    2
4  5  7    2
5  6  7    2
6  7  1    2




df.assign(res=np.array([2, 4]).searchsorted(df.a.values, side='right'))

   a  b  res
0  1  3    0
1  2  6    1
2  3  4    1
3  4  2    2
4  5  7    2
5  6  7    2
6  7  1    2



%timeit df.assign(res=pd.Series([2, 4]).searchsorted(df.a, side='right'))
%timeit df.assign(res=np.array([2, 4]).searchsorted(df.a.values, side='right'))
%timeit df.assign( < 2, 0, >= 2) & (df.a < 4), 1, 2)))
%timeit df.assign(res=pd.cut(df.a, [-np.inf,2,4,np.inf], labels=[0,1,2], right=False))

1000 loops, best of 3: 443 ยตs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 337 ยตs per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.06 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 530 ยตs per loop




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