Angular 4 - Can I create a form dynamically using ngFor?

I am trying to dynamically create an editable form using ngFor. Basically data grid and what I will be using on some other systems - maybe the way I should go, but I tried it first.

<form #employeeForm="ngForm">
      <tr *ngFor="let employee of newEmployees | filter:filterCriteria; let i = index" []="i == selectedRow" [attr.rowIndex]="i">
          <td class="clickable" (click)="showEmployee(i)">
            <md-input-container dividerColor="accent" >
             <input mdInput placeholder="name" value={{}} name="employee-name-{{}}" [(ngModel)]="employee-name-{{}}"/>
       <md-icon (click)="saveEmployeeChanges(">save</md-icon></td>


Am I barking the wrong tree here? If this can work, how do I access each input field (there will be more) from within the component? And how do I get the values โ€‹โ€‹of each field in the row (not just the one that changed last).


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1 answer

There are many ways to solve this problem.

You saw this as an example:

But you have an option. You can change this:

<md-icon (click)="saveEmployeeChanges(">



<md-icon (click)="saveEmployeeChanges(employeeForm)">


This will pass the form and all associated controls to your component class.

To access the controls on a form you can use:



You can read more about Angular docs here:



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