How can I check if a race detector is enabled at runtime?

Is there a way to check if a Go program is compiled with -race

at runtime (for example, for logging / informational purposes)?

I've checked the documentation as well as the obvious locations ( runtime/*

) but I can't find anything.


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1 answer

There is no simple check for this as far as I can find, but when the -race

tag is on race

, so you can take advantage of that.

I created a new directory israce

and placed two files there:



// +build race

// Package israce reports if the Go race detector is enabled.
package israce

// Enabled reports if the race detector is enabled.
const Enabled = true




// +build !race

// Package israce reports if the Go race detector is enabled.
package israce

// Enabled reports if the race detector is enabled.
const Enabled = false


Because of the build tag, only one of the two files will be compiled.

As far as I could find this, this is the easiest way.



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