How do you send NumPad keys using SendKeys?

I want to send a NumPad key combination (1-9).

I tried using:



but he says

System.ArgumentException: NUMPAD1 keyword is invalid (translated)

So, I don't know the correct code for NumPad.


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2 answers

Out of curiosity, I looked at the source code for SendKeys. There is nothing to explain why the numpad codes were excluded. I would not recommend this as the preferred option, but it is possible to add the missing codes to the class using reflection:

FieldInfo info = typeof(SendKeys).GetField("keywords",
    BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Array oldKeys = (Array)info.GetValue(null);
Type elementType = oldKeys.GetType().GetElementType();
Array newKeys = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, oldKeys.Length + 10);
Array.Copy(oldKeys, newKeys, oldKeys.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var newItem = Activator.CreateInstance(elementType, "NUM" + i, (int)Keys.NumPad0 + i);
    newKeys.SetValue(newItem, oldKeys.Length + i);
info.SetValue(null, newKeys);


Now I can use eg. SendKeys.Send("{NUM3}")

... It doesn't seem to work for sending altcodes, so maybe that's why they left them behind.



You should be able to transmit the number in the same way as in the letter. For example:

SendKeys.SendWait("{A}");  //sends the letter 'A'
SendKeys.SendWait("{5}");  //sends the number '5'




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