Javascript counting duplicates in an array

Please consider this JS function

I saw this similar question but could not figure it out.

function a (ResultArray){
    var counts={};
    for ( p = 0; p < ResultArray.length; p++){            
        counts[ResultArray[p]] = (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;            
    return counts;

var arr = ["a","b","c","d","a","b","e"];        
var res = new a(arr);


It works fine and gives the bill. I need to understand how this counts, especially (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;

. what does +1

and ||



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3 answers

I guess the main confusion comes from this line:

counts[ResultArray[p]] = (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;


The operator ||

returns what is on the left side, if it is "true" (something other than "false" values false

, 0

, ''

, null

, undefined

, and NaN

), otherwise it returns what is right.

If ResultArray[p]

it is not inside counts

, then it counts[ResultArray[p]]

will be undefined

. Since the undefined + 1


left side ||

is "false", so it will return the right side 1


Otherwise it counts[ResultArray[p]]

will be the number of times we have already seen ResultArray[p]

and add to it 1

. In this case, the left side will be "true" and will return a new bill.



The array value has not been set yet, so you cannot increment undefined. On first accessing a value, the "|| 1" part sets the initial value to 1. If it hits the same index again (which is no longer undefined and is now set to 1), it does the left side instead and increments the pre-existing value by 1.



there are a few things to keep in mind in the above algorithm:

  • javascript objects are represented by sets, a dictionary is therefore counts = {}

    just a set or a dict, so counts."a"

    either counts.a

    or counts[a]

    can be used to access a value within an object counts

    , so counts.a = 1

    either counts["a"] = null

    is an assignment to an account of set (object).
  • javascript dynamically allocates variables, so counts[ResultArray[p]] since

    counts is a object javascript dynamically creates the value of

    ResultArray [p]] as a property or key to

    counts `as javascript is loosely typed
  • the evaluations start from left to right on the line counts[ResultArray[p]] = (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;

    javascript starts evaluating starting from count[ResultArray[p]]

    where the counts

    object (set, dictionary) evaluates, then it moves to ResultArray

    which evaluates the array at runtime p

    then evaluates to a number that says 0 in the first iteration, so the whole evaluation counts[ResultArray[0]]

    is where javascript creates the key counts.a

    or counts."a"

    and assigns it an undefined value, then continues (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1)

    || 1; and inside it counts[ResultArray[p]]

    , since it was already executed in the previous step, which evaluates to counts.a

    or counts."a"

    = undefined, then jumps to undefined +

    , it should look like just after the left evaluation (undefined + 1)

    Then javascript evaluates this in NaN

    the next evaluation step
    '(NaN)|| 1 where

    NaN is always false but 1 is always true in javascript and true = 1 false = 0 hence 1 is assigned to

    counts.a or

    counts. "A" or counts[a]

    = 1

here are the steps of javascript evaluation from left to right counts[ResultArray[p]] = (counts[ResultArray[p]] + 1) || 1;

  • counts = {}

    (object, set or dict) in javascript
  • ResultArray

  • p

  • ResultArray[p] = "a"

    in the first iteration
  • counts["a"]

    (undefined is assigned because there was no assignment before)
  • = (assignment operator)
  • counts = {}

    (object, set or dict) in javascript
  • ResultArray

  • p

  • ResultArray[p] = "a"

    in the first iteration
  • counts["a"]

  • +

    (add operation)
  • 1

  • counts["a"] + 1 = undefined + 1 = NaN

  • NaN || 1

    = 1 (boolean 1 = true false = 0 Nan = 0 = false 0 || 1 1 or operator wins)
  • counts ["a"] = 0 || 1 (1 is assigned to account ["a"])


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