How to access fly routes in go?

I have a multiplexer and 4 different routes.

a.Router = mux.NewRouter()

a.Router.HandleFunc("/1/query/{query}", a.sigQuery).Methods("GET")

a.Router.HandleFunc("/1/sis", a.rGet).Methods("GET")

a.Router.HandleFunc("/1/sigs", a.sigHandler).Methods("GET", "POST", "DELETE")

a.Router.HandleFunc("/1/nfeeds", a.nfeedGet).Methods("GET", "DELETE", "POST")


Is there a method where we can list specific routes and get methods defined on them. I tried like this: it routes := a.getRoutes()

will return me a piece with all the routes, and it methods := routes[1].Methods()

will return the methods listed on this route. Is there a way we can achieve this?


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1 answer

Use the method Walk


router.Walk(func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error {
    tpl, err1 := route.GetPathTemplate()
    met, err2 := route.GetMethods()
    fmt.Println(tpl, err1, met, err2)
    return nil


Alternatively, you can just put all your routes in a structure chunk and just do

for _, r := range routes {
    router.HandleFunc(r.tpl, r.func).Methods(r.methods...)


at the initialization stage.



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