T-SQL Find pairs where at least one member has two or more pairs with different members

I have a dataset with two columns:

source          target
Michael Scott   Kelly Kapoor
Jim Halpert     Pam Beasley
Jim Halpert     Pam Beasley
Dwight Schrute  Angela
Angela          Dwight Schrute
Erin            Meredith
Erin            Meredith
Kevin Malone    Stanley Hudson
Kevin Malone    Ryan Howard
Pam Beasley     Oscar


I want to search for rows that contain at least one member that has multiple pairs with at least two different members. So the end result should return:

source          target          
Jim Halpert     Pam Beasley
Jim Halpert     Pam Beasley
Kevin Malone    Stanley Hudson
Kevin Malone    Ryan Howard
Pam Beasley     Oscar


Michael --> Kelly

is removed because it has no other links Dwight Schrute --> Angela

and is Angela --> Dwight Schrute

removed because, although there are multiple links, the links are between the same members. Erin --> Meredith

and Erin --> Meredith

are removed because again the links are between the same members (albeit in the same direction).

I know how to find different links that include the same elements in any direction:

select source
from dbo.networktest
group by source, target
having count(*) > 1
select b.source
from dbo.networktest a
left outer join dbo.networktest b on a.source = b.target and a.target = b.source
where b.source is not null and b.target is not null


How can I modify (or repair / rebuild) to accomplish my task? Thanks for any insight you all might have! If I can make my question clearer please let me know.


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1 answer

I think it exists

does what you need:

select nt.*
from networktest nt
where exists (select 1
              from networktest nt2
              where nt2.source in (nt.source, nt.target) and
                    nt2.target not in (nt.source, nt.target)
             ) or
      exists (select 1
              from networktest nt2
              where nt2.target in (nt.source, nt.target) and
                    nt2.source not in (nt.source, nt.target)




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