Python moves files unexpectedly using os.rename

I have a script that:

  • Loops all files in a directory + its subdirectories
  • Creates a folder for each unique year in the file list
  • Move files to their respective folders for years
  • Renames them based on timestamp + unique number.

When I only run parts 1-3, it moves files to folders correctly.

When I run parts 1-4 (including the os.rename part), it renames the files AFTER moving them to the parent directory.

Start file structure:

      --> file.txt    modified 01-21-2012
      --> file2.txt   modified 09-30-2013
      --> file3.txt   modified 06-21-2017


Expected Result:

--> '2012'
      --> 2012-01-21-1.txt
--> '2013'
      --> 2013-09-30-2.txt
--> '2017'
      --> 2017-06-21-3.txt


Actual result:

--> '2012'
--> '2013'
--> '2017'
--> '2012-01-21-1.txt'
--> '2013-09-30-2.txt'
--> '2017-06-21-4.txt'


As you can see, he renamed the files, but moved them out of his folders. Why is he doing this?

My code (I pasted print statements for logging):

import os, datetime, sys, shutil

#PART 1 : Change to the inputted directory

# This is the directory I will work on.
print('This is the directory that will be organized:')
if os.path.isdir(p): # check if directory exists
    print("Step 1: Changing directory")

#PART 2 : Make a folder for each unique year
    fileNames = next(os.walk(os.getcwd()))[2] # list files, excluding subdirectories
    f = {}
    filename = []
    dates = []

    # Loop through each file and grab the unique year.
    # Store the file (key) and its modified year (value) into dictionary 'f'.
    for name in fileNames:
        f[name] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(name)).strftime("%Y")
        dates = list(set(f.values()))

    # Create the list of unique folders from the dictionary.
    print("Step 2: Creating the following folders:\n", dates)
    [os.mkdir(folder) for folder in dates]

#PART 3: Move all files to their respective folders based on modified year.
    if sys.platform == 'Windows':
        print("Step 3: moving files...")
        [shutil.move(key, os.getcwd() + '\\' + value) for key, value in f.items()]
    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
        print("Step 3: moving files...")
        [shutil.move(key, os.getcwd() + '//' + value) for key, value in f.items()]
        print("Sorry, this script is not supported in your OS.")
    print("Oops, seems like that directory doesn't exist. Please try again.")

#PART 4: Rename the files
# Get each file in directory and renames it to its modified date, Y-M-D format
for root, dir, files in os.walk(p):
    for file in files:
        if not file.startswith('.'): # ignore hidden files
            filePath = os.path.join(root,file)
            ext = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1]
            print("File number: ", count, file, ext)
            os.rename(filePath, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filePath)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '-' + str(count) + ext)
        count += 1



This is the directory that will be organized:
Step 1: Changing directory
Step 2: Creating the following folders:
 ['2013', '2012', '2017']

Step 3: moving files...
File number:  1 2012-01-21-1.jpg TEST_PATH/2012/2012-01-21-1.jpg

File number:  2 2013-09-30-2.jpg TEST_PATH/2013/2013-09-30-2.jpg

File number:  4 June 21 2017.txt TEST_PATH/2017/June 21 2017.txt
TEST_PATH/2017/June 21 2017.txt



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1 answer

It moves the file from behind the working directory you are currently in. I believe it works the same way as mv

. The resulting file after runame will be placed in the path specified by the second function argument os.rename

, relative to cwd

. If you want it to work correctly, you need to provide a relative path with the new filename.

Btw. you can do steps 3 and 4 at once in this way.



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