C ++ native code DLL using abstract class wrapped to be used in C # module

Hi I have the same problem with an abstract class. I am trying to wrap my cpp DLL calls for use in a C # module.

Dll uses Factory pattern which contains Factory class, MiddileWare and corresponding strong child class . Can anyone help me start the shell. I'm stuck in between. Your help will be appreciated. I give a stream here:


#pragma once
#include "MiddleWareConnection.h"
#include "std afx.h"

#define MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API __declspec(dllexport)


#define MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API __declspec (dllimport) #endif

  MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API enum eMiddleWareEngine
          eRabitMQ = 0,  

     // This class is exported from the MiddleWareFactory.dll

      class MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API CMiddleWareFactory
        // TODO: add your methods here.

        //Function to Create the  object of Broker module:implemnted the                   Factory   concept.
      BOOL CreateInstance(CMiddleWareConnection** pMObj);
     int m_eMomEngine;//To define which MOM need to enable.


extern MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API int nMiddleWareFactory;

MIDDLEWAREFACTORY_API int fnMiddleWareFactory(void);



#pragma once

class CMiddleWareConnection {public:

  virtual ~CMiddleWareConnection(void)
  //Pure virtual fuctions for interfacing 
  virtual BOOL Connect(int nServerType)=0;
   virtual BOOL CreateSessionExchange() = 0;
   virtual BOOL CreateQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueueName) = 0;
   virtual BOOL Disconnect() = 0;
   virtual BOOL Send(void *MomItem,LPCTSTR lpszKey, int               &nSendCount)=0;
   virtual BOOL Receive() = 0;
   virtual void StopReceiver() = 0;
   virtual void GetData(void* pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int nMsgType,int &nReceiveCount)=0;



  #pragma once
  #include "MiddleWareConnection.h"
  #include "Amqp.h"
  #pragma comment(lib, "rabbitmq.4.lib")
  #define GET_DATA(a){memcpy(&a, pDataPtr,  sizeof(a));pDataPtr+=sizeof(a);}
  #define GET_DATA_EX(s,n){memcpy(s, pDataPtr, n);pDataPtr+=n;}

 typedef struct _ROUTINE_KEY
 CString RoutingKey;             


   class CRabbitMQ :
   public CMiddleWareConnection

      CRabbitMQ(CAppConfig &rConfig);
      void   InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig &rConfig);//Initialize RBMQ Config;
         BOOL   Connect(int nServerType);
         BOOL   Disconnect(void);
         BOOL   Send(void *MomItem, LPCTSTR lpszKey, int &nSendCount);
         BOOL   Receive(void);
         BOOL   CreateQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueueName);
         BOOL   CreateSessionExchange();
         BOOL   BindQueue(LPCTSTR lpszQueue, LPCTSTR lpszExchangeName, LPCTSTR lpszKey);
         bool   IsConnected(){return m_bConnected;}
         void   SetKeyQueueCombination( TCHAR *pszQueueName, TCHAR *pszRoutingKey);
         void   StopReceiver();
         bool   ReEstablishRMQMWConnection();
        void   GetData(LPBYTE &pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int &nReceiveCount);
        void   GetData(void* pMsg, int &nMsgLen,int nMsgType,int &nReceiveCount);
     BOOL   GetNext_JasonListItem(LPJASON_ITEM pItem);
      LPRABBIT_MQ_ITEM GetNextItem();



Here I want to show the functions of the rabbitMq class [Connect, Send, Get ete from MiddleWareConnection.h in C #.



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3 answers

below I posted a small sample code for a C ++ / CLI class. You can create a new C ++ / CLI project that will link your own library and create the following class. This will create a managed assembly that you could reference from the C # side. Hope this helps!

#include <Windows.h>
#include <vcclr.h>  

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

public ref class CMiddleWareConnection_Net

        pMiddleWareConnection = NULL;

        //Release pMiddleWareConnection
        if (pMiddleWareConnection)
            delete pMiddleWareConnection;

    void   InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig_Net config)
        // CAppConfig_Net is another ref class 
        // which provides a toNative method 
        // returning a plain C++ CAppConfig object
        CAppConfig rConfig = config.toNative();  

        pMiddleWareConnection = CRabbitMQ(rConfig);

    bool   Connect(int nServerType)
        return (pMiddleWareConnection->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);

    bool   Disconnect(void)
        return (pMiddleWareConnection->Disconnect() == TRUE);

    bool   Send(array<Byte>^ MomItem, String^ lpszKey, int% nSendCount)
        //Assuming MomItem is a byte array...
        unsigned char *pData = new unsigned char[MomItem->Length];
        Marshal::Copy(MomItem, 0, IntPtr(pData), MomItem->Length);          

        //Marshal String^ to LPCSTR
        IntPtr ip = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(lpszKey);  
        LPCSTR str = static_cast<LPCSTR>(ip.ToPointer());

        bool bRet = (pMiddleWareConnection->Send(pData, str, nSendCount) == TRUE);

        //Freeing memory
        delete[] pData;

        return bRet;

    bool   Receive(void)
        return (pMiddleWareConnection->Receive() == TRUE);

    /* Other methods */

    CMiddleWareConnection *pMiddleWareConnection;





**** MiddleWareFactory.h ****

     BOOL CreateInstance(CMiddleWareConnection** pMObj)
          //if( some config value)
            *pMObj = new RabbitMq();
          // esle
               /***other MOm like OBCS,OSCS etec...**/



**** **** MiddlewareConnection.h

  have the basic abstract functions....


it is one of the child class.


**** **** Packing

    cppMath = new cCppMath();
    oFact->createInstance(&cppMath);'// here i want to pass the reference & wanna get back the child class type:now i am stuck here..how can we pass/marshal the object:im getting the error

BOOL CLRWrapper::CppMathWrapper::connect(type)
  return (cppMath->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);

..........And so On............


CLR Wrapper.cpp (11): error C2664: 'Factory :: createInstance': cannot convert parameter 1 from 'cli :: interior_ptr' to 'Base **' 1> with 1> [1> Type = cCppMath * 1> ] 1> Cannot convert managed type to unmanaged type



instead we use createinstance () . [InitializeRBMQ () is inside connect (), so it will be handled internally I guess]

void   InitializeRBMQ(CAppConfig_Net config)
    // CAppConfig_Net is another ref class 
    // which provides a toNative method 
    // returning a plain C++ CAppConfig object
    CAppConfig rConfig = config.toNative();  

    pMiddleWareConnection = CRabbitMQ(rConfig);


C # side I want to expose:

private static void Main(string[] args)
CppMathWrapper wrapper = new CppMathWrapper();





I tried one example with the CPPMath class. In reality, I am adding the code below:

   middlewareConnection *oConn;// MiddleConnection.h pointer
   middleWareFactory oFact= new middleWareFactory ();//  MiddleWareFactory.h object
   oFact->createInstance(&oConn);'// here i want to pass the reference & wanna get back the child class type:now i am stuck here..how can we pass/marshal the object:im getting the error.How could i wrap the object....the same like 

BOOL CLRWrapper::CppMathWrapper::connect(type)
  return (oConn->Connect(nServerType) == TRUE);

..........And so On............




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