Python numpy array massaging

I need to make this array somehow:

[[639 190]
 [ 44   1]
 [ 71   4]
 [863 347]
 [870 362]
 [831 359]]


look like this:

[[[639 190]]
 [[ 44   1]]
 [[ 71   4]]
 [[863 347]]
 [[870 362]]
 [[831 359]]]


How should I do it? I am new to numpy and I need this for my scientific experiment.


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2 answers

Add a new axis with None/np.newaxis


a[:,None,:] # Or simply a[:,None]


Example run -

In [222]: a = np.random.randint(0,9,(4,3))

In [223]: a
array([[1, 6, 6],
       [4, 4, 5],
       [7, 4, 4],
       [4, 1, 3]])

In [224]: a[:,None]
array([[[1, 6, 6]],

       [[4, 4, 5]],

       [[7, 4, 4]],

       [[4, 1, 3]]])




In addition to newaxis/None

that pointed out by @Divakar,

np.expand_dims(input_array, axis=1)




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