Get ObjectIdHex value from mgo request

I'm still a newbie, and when I see multiple questions on SO, it looks like this, I can't reproduce the output that some OP was asking for ( this answer looks like the closest ).

I'm doing something quite simple, I end up in a collection users

in mongo and all I want to do is return the value _id

as a string. I'm going to eventually push these _id

towards NSQ, but that's the brunt of my task.

var users []bson.M
err = sess.DB("db_name").C("users").Find(bson.M{}).All(&users)

if err != nil {

for _, user := range users {
    fmt.Printf("%+v \n", user["_id"])


Today it gives out:



I went through the bson # m docs and thought I was using the map correctly to increase the value. So I think my request results in:

{"_id" : ObjectIdHex("Some_ID") }


but if ObjectIdHex ("ID") is a value, how easy is it to get the string inside.

Ideal way out:




source to share

1 answer

The value associated with the key "_id"

is of a type bson.ObjectId

that is simply equal string



is a type map[string]interface{}

, so you need to Enter assertion to get the id as ObjectId


objid, ok := m["_id"].(ObjectId)
if !ok {
    panic("Not ObjectId")


And it ObjectId

has a method ObjectId.Hex()

that returns exactly what you want: the object id as a "pure" hex string:





can be simply converted to string

because its base type string

. Thus, you can use a number of additional parameters to convert it to hexadecimal string


hexid := fmt.Sprintf("%x", string(objid))


If you just want to print it, you can do it directly:

fmt.Printf("%x", string(objid))


Note. ... Converting it to string

is important, otherwise the package fmt

is called by its method String()

, which results in a type string ObjectIdHex("537f700b537461b70c5f0000")

, which is what would be converted to hex, which is clearly not what you want.

Alternatively, you can use encoding/hex

and hex.EncodeToString()


hexid := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(objid))




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