How to get the value from the map - go lang?

I am working with mgo

to use MongoDB with Go. I have the following code:

func Find(collectionName, dbName string, query interface{}) (result []interface{}, err error) {
    collection := session.DB(dbName).C(collectionName)
    err = collection.Find(query).All(&result)
    return result, err

func GetTransactionID() (id interface{}, err error) {
    query := bson.M{}
    transId, err := Find("transactionId", dbName, query)
    for key, value := range transId {
        fmt.Println("k:", key, "v:", value)



k: 0 v: map [_id: ObjectIdHex ("536887c199b6d0510964c35b") transId: A000000000]

I need to get the values ​​to _id

and transId

from the map value returned in the slice from Find

. How can i do this?


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1 answer

I'm just guessing, but in case you just want to get all the Transaction documents and print them - here's how:

Given what you have struct

, representing your collection's document structure, for example:

type Transaction struct {
  Id            bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id"`
  TransactionId string        `bson:"transId"`


You can get all documents using MongoDB driver (mgo):

var transactions []Transaction
err = c.Find(bson.M{}).All(&transactions)
// handle err
for index, transaction := range transactions {
  fmt.Printf("%d: %+v\n", index, transaction)


Supplement (general solution)

OK, after you've provided more details, this might be a generic solution without using a framework. Try marshalling in BSON doc bson.M

(not tested):

var data []bson.M
err := c.Find(bson.M{}).All(&data)
// handle err 
for _, doc := range data {
  for key, value := range doc {
    fmt.Println(key, value)




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