Aligning an ImageSpan with a scanned string

I know there are many questions of the same type and I have tried so many solutions, but they all fall short of my requirements.

My problem is that I need to add dynamic line spacing between text containing Spanable stringings and Imagespan, but when I add line spacing, the text and image alignment is distorted.

I've tried almost every solution available on Stackoverflow, like this and this , but it's all in vogue. I added screenshots

  • Screenshot before adding dynamic line spacing

Screenshot before adding dynamic line spacing  2. Screenshot after adding dynamic line spacing

Screenshot after adding dynamic line spacing

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

Use "y" in the onDraw method to find the baseline of the text and then align the anchor to the baseline of the text view

public class VerticalImageSpan extends ImageSpan {

 public VerticalImageSpan(Drawable drawable) {

     * update the text line height
    public int getSize(Paint paint, CharSequence text, int start, int end,
                       Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetricsInt) {
        Drawable drawable = getDrawable();
        Rect rect = drawable.getBounds();
        if (fontMetricsInt != null) {
            Paint.FontMetricsInt fmPaint = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
            int fontHeight = fmPaint.descent - fmPaint.ascent;
            int drHeight = rect.bottom -;
            int centerY = fmPaint.ascent + fontHeight / 2;

            fontMetricsInt.ascent = centerY - drHeight / 2;
   = fontMetricsInt.ascent;
            fontMetricsInt.bottom = centerY + drHeight / 2;
            fontMetricsInt.descent = fontMetricsInt.bottom;
        return rect.right;

     * see detail message in android.text.TextLine
     * @param canvas the canvas, can be null if not rendering
     * @param text   the text to be draw
     * @param start  the text start position
     * @param end    the text end position
     * @param x      the edge of the replacement closest to the leading margin
     * @param top    the top of the line
     * @param y      the baseline
     * @param bottom the bottom of the line
     * @param paint  the work paint
    public void draw(Canvas canvas, CharSequence text, int start, int end,
                     float x, int top, int y, int bottom, Paint paint) {

        Drawable drawable = getDrawable();;
        Paint.FontMetricsInt fmPaint = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
        int fontHeight = fmPaint.descent - fmPaint.ascent;
        int centerY = y + fmPaint.descent - fontHeight / 2;
        int transY = centerY - (drawable.getBounds().bottom - drawable.getBounds().top) / 2;
        canvas.translate(x, transY);





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