Get function with gdal / ogr

This looks like something the function should already be doing, but I can't find it.

What I am ultimately trying to do is: I have a shapefile with three functions that show the bounding boxes; I want to use one of these functions to select all the functions inside it in another shape file or polygons. I have this launch done with ogr2ogr using the -clipsrc and -clipsrcwhere flags to select my bounding box from my frame shapefile. This works great, but I can't include or exclude polygons that fall along the border, and I don't want them to be clipped. So, I figured I use the -spat flag instead and just import the scale of the polygon box.

I know I can get the size of my polygon with:

polygon = 'mouth'
inDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
inDataSource = inDriver.Open(extent_shpfile, 1)
inLayer = inDataSource.GetLayer()
select = "name = '" + polygon + "'"
for feature in inLayer: #inLayer is always of size one because polygon is a unique value


From here I can parse the geom values ​​to get the min and max x and y values. Isn't there a call to ogr for this already (like inLayer.GetFeatureExtent () or inLayer.GetExtent (feature_fid)? The latter just returns the size of the layer and the former doesn't exist, but it needs to be parsed from the geometry of the object feels awkward.


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1 answer

It turns out there is a built-in function for this, my 4 hours of searching (before the original post) just couldn't bring it to light until I switched to working on something else and stumbled upon it by accident.

extent = geom.GetEnvelope()


Hopefully this post will save someone else a headache when trying to find this feature.



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