Apply function along axis over two numpy arrays - shapes not aligned

I probably don't see anything obvious here, but don't believe that np.apply_along_axis

or np.apply_over_axes

is what I'm looking for. Let's say I have the following two arrays:

arr1 = np.random.randn(10, 5)
arr2 = np.random.randn(10, )


And the next function:

def coefs(x, y):
    return, x)),, y))
    # the vector of coefficients in a multiple linear regression


Calling this on arr1

and arr2

runs smoothly as it should:

coefs(arr1, arr2)
Out[111]: array([-0.19474836, -0.50797551,  0.82903805,  0.06332607, -0.26985597])


However, let's say that instead of 1 or 2d arrays, I have two 3D arrays:

arr3 = np.array([arr1[:-1], arr1[1:]])
arr4 = np.array([arr2[:-1], arr2[1:]])


As expected, if I apply this function, I get

coefs(arr3, arr4)
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-127-4a3e7df02cda>", line 1, in <module>
    coefs(arr3, arr4)

  File "<ipython-input-124-7532b8516784>", line 2, in coefs
    return, x)),, y))

ValueError: shapes (5,9,2) and (2,9,5) not aligned: 2 (dim 2) != 9 (dim 1)


... because NumPy treats each array as an object, as it should. Instead, I want to apply a function coefs()

to each of the two elements along the 0 axis of the arrays, element by element. Here's a rough way to do it:

tgt = []
for i, j in zip(arr3, arr4):
    tgt.append(coefs(i, j))

array([[-0.34328006, -0.99116672,  1.42757897, -0.06687851, -0.44669182],
       [ 0.44494495, -0.58017705,  0.75825944,  0.18795889,  0.4560851 ]])


My question is, is there a more efficient and pythonic way to do this than using zip and iteration as above? Basically, given two input arrays of shape (2, n, k) and (2, n), I want the array to fall back to shape (2, k). Thank.


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1 answer

For generic arrays 3D

and 2D

- arr3

and arr4

we can use some np.einsum

magic to have a vectorized solution, for example:

dot1 = np.einsum('ijk,ijl->ikl',arr3,arr3)
dot2 = np.einsum('ijk,ij->ik',arr3,arr4)
inv1 = np.linalg.inv(dot1)
tgt_out = np.einsum('ijk,ij->ik',inv1, dot2)


Runtime test

Approaches -

def org_app(arr3, arr4):
    tgt = []
    for i, j in zip(arr3, arr4):
        tgt.append(coefs(i, j))
    return np.array(tgt)

def einsum_app(arr3, arr4):
    dot1 = np.einsum('ijk,ijl->ikl',arr3,arr3)
    dot2 = np.einsum('ijk,ij->ik',arr3,arr4)
    inv1 = np.linalg.inv(dot1)
    return np.einsum('ijk,ij->ik',inv1, dot2)


Timing and verification -

In [215]: arr3 = np.random.rand(50,50,50)
     ...: arr4 = np.random.rand(50,50)

In [216]: np.allclose(org_app(arr3, arr4), einsum_app(arr3, arr4))
Out[216]: True

In [217]: %timeit org_app(arr3, arr4)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.82 ms per loop

In [218]: %timeit einsum_app(arr3, arr4)
100 loops, best of 3: 19.7 ms per loop


Doesn't seem to einsum

give us any advantage here. This is expected because it mostly einsum

fights against

, which is much better when sum-reduction

and even if we use it in a loop. The only situation / case in which we can fight

is when we are sufficiently closed, and this should make us einsum

competitive. We loop for times equal to the length of the first axis of the input arrays. Let's increase it and check again -

In [219]: arr3 = np.random.rand(1000,10,10)
     ...: arr4 = np.random.rand(1000,10)

In [220]: %timeit org_app(arr3, arr4)
10 loops, best of 3: 23 ms per loop

In [221]: %timeit einsum_app(arr3, arr4)
100 loops, best of 3: 9.1 ms per loop



definitely wins on this one!

This related post

in the fight between np.einsum

and is

worth seeing.

Also note that if we need to use a loop based approach, we have to look at initializing the output array and then assign the output values ​​to it coefs

, not add as the latter is a slow process.



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