How to get one row of a table and a list of rows that are related to the first row in Linq.NET.

I have a specific problem. I don't know much about SQL, so this might be a stupid question. I have a class

class StructuredResult
    public Pay Pay{ get; set; }
    public Processing Processing{ get; set; }
    public Member Member { get; set; }

    public StructuredResult()


And this is the code I am getting with

var allPaying = (from pay in Entities.Pays
                join prc in Entities.Processingss on pay.IDCalculation equals cal.IDCalculation
                join mbr in Entities.Members on pay.IDMember equals mbr.IDMember

                where pay.IDMember == IDMember
                orderby prc.DateFrom descending
                select new StructuredResult()
                    Pay = pay,
                    Processing = prc,
                    Member = mbr


The code works fine. I changed the settings for posting here, maybe some name changes are out of order. I need to get the following:

class StructuredResult
    public Pay Pay{ get; set; }
    public Processing Processing{ get; set; }
    public Member Member { get; set; }
    public List<PayDetail> PayDetails { get; set; }

    public StructuredResult()


Does anyone know if this is possible? Payment details are linked to Pay.ID = PayDetail.ID Thanks in advance


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2 answers

To also populate with a StructuredResult

collection PayDetail

, you need to use Group Join

. Cm:


var allPaying = from pay in Entities.Pays
                join prc in Entities.Processingss on pay.IDCalculation equals cal.IDCalculation
                join mbr in Entities.Members on pay.IDMember equals mbr.IDMember
                join d in Entities.PayDetails on pay.IDMember equals d.ID into details

                where pay.IDMember == IDMember
                orderby prc.DateFrom descending

                select new StructuredResult()
                    Pay = pay,
                    Processing = prc,
                    Member = mbr,
                    PayDetails = details


I would also recommend this since you are using EF to view navigation properties. By defining your classes a little differently, you get a lot more possibilities with much less (no need to write connections, for example)

And just a little advice - you define a default constructor with no logic in id. If this is true in real code as well, then there is no need for it. It is detected automatically.



This might help you:

var allPaying = (from pay in Entities.Pays
                 join prc in Entities.Processingss on pay.IDCalculation equals cal.IDCalculation
                 join mbr in Entities.Members on pay.IDMember equals mbr.IDMember

                 where pay.IDMember == IDMember
                 orderby prc.DateFrom descending
                 select new StructuredResult()
                     Pay = pay,
                     Processing = prc,
                     Member = mbr,
                     PayDetails = (from pd in Entities.PayDetails
                                   where pd.ID == pay.IDMember
                                   select pd).ToList())




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