Mypy: Can't deduce an argument of type 1 from "map"

When trying to test the following code with mypy:

import itertools
from typing import Sequence, Union, List

DigitsSequence = Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, int]]]

def normalize_input(digits: DigitsSequence) -> List[str]:
        new_digits = list(map(str, digits))  # <- Line 17
        if not all(map(str.isdecimal, new_digits)):
            raise TypeError
    except TypeError:
        print("Digits must be an iterable containing strings.")
        return []
    return new_digits


mypy throws the following errors: error: Cannot output argument of type 1 "map"

Why is this error occurring? How can I fix this?



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1 answer

As you already know, mypy depends on typeshed to stub out classes and functions in the Python standard library. I believe your problem is related to stubbing tigersmap


def map(func: Callable[[_T1], _S], iter1: Iterable[_T1]) -> Iterator[_S]: ...


And that the current state of mypy is such that its type inference is not unlimited. (The project also has over 600 open issues. )

I believe your problem may be related to issue # 1855 . I believe that this is the case because DigitsSequence = str

, and DigitsSequence = Sequence[int]

operate simultaneously, but DigitsSequence = Union[str, Sequence[int]]

- no.

Some workarounds:

  • Use a lambda expression instead:

    new_digits = list(map(lambda s: str(s), digits))

  • Re-add the new variable:

    any_digits = digits # type: Any
    new_digits = list(map(str, any_digits))

  • Tell mypy to ignore the line:

    new_digits = list(map(str, digits)) # type: ignore



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