Nested Vue instances

Are there nested instances Vue

anyway? I know about Vue components

, and I use them extensively in my applications, but in this case, I have different applications (I mean different projects) that are loaded inside each other on the page.

For example, when I do something like the following:

<div id="parent">
  <div id="child">


new Vue({
  el: '#parent',
  data: { msg: 'sth' },

new Vue({
  el: '#child',
  data: { msg: 'sth else' },


But both msg

use the msg

data of the parent instance Vue

. Here I just want to show an example, but in my use case, these instances are not next to each other and are somehow related to each other through the framework Django

(which is not important to note here).


This is not a duplicate question. The person asking this question does not need nested instances Vue

and just needs components. But I said bluntly that I know about components but need nested instances Vue



According to this issue, they will not implement this behavior.


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1 answer

If you really want nested instances then use the VueJS directive v-pre

. You can add v-pre

to child app. More on this here .

<div id="parent">
    <div id="child" v-pre>
new Vue({
    el: '#parent',
data: { msg: 'sth' },

new Vue({
    el: '#child',
    data: { msg: 'sth else' },


{{ msg }}

for the child instance it will be "sth else". Please note that the nested instance (#child element) is not compiled by the parent vue instance due to the directive v-pre




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