How can I remove straight lines from a Matlab image?

I have a matrix image from a matrix named as shown in the image below. Two_dim

I would like to remove all 3 bottom straight horizontal lines from the image. I looked on Stackoverflow to use regionprops

to eliminate horizontal lines and got this code. But that doesn't seem to delete the lines.

rp = regionprops(Two_dim, 'PixelIdxList', 'Eccentricity', 'Orientation');
rp = rp([rp.Eccentricity]>0.95 & (abs([rp.Orientation])<2 | abs([rp.Orientation])>89));
Two_dim(vertcat(rp.PixelIdxList)) = false;


Noisy Image


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3 answers

Here is the answer using Hugh's transform approach. I'll add some more explanations to the following code:

% I crop only the intresting part for illustration:
BW = edge(Two_dim(1:1000,:),'canny');
subplot 131
title('Original image')
axis xy
[H,theta,rho] = hough(BW); % preform Hough transform
subplot 132
P = houghpeaks(H,10,'NHoodSize',[1 1]); % find the peaks in the transformation
lines_found = houghlines(BW,theta,rho,P,...
    'FillGap',50,'MinLength',1); % convert the peaks to line objects
imagesc(Two_dim(1:1000,:)), hold on
result = Two_dim(1:1000,:);
for k = 1:length(lines_found)
   % extract one line:
   xy = [lines_found(k).point1; lines_found(k).point2];
   % Plot the detected lines:
   % remove the lines from the image:
   % note that I take a buffer of 3 to the 'width' of the line
   result(xy(1,2):xy(1,2)+3,xy(1,1):xy(2,1)) = 0;
title('Detected lines')
axis xy
subplot 133
title('Corrected image')
axis xy



find string



You can look at the sums of the intensity of the lines. They will stand out as long as the lines remain horizontal.

grayI = rgb2gray(I);

rowSums = sum(grayI,2);



The plot of the sum of lines

filterRows = rowSums > 1*10^5

I(filterRows,:,:) = 255;


enter image description here




a binary image is required, with each pixel being one of two values.

You can do for example

Two_dim(Two_dim<0.5) = 0;
Two_dim(Two_dim>=0.5) = 1; # the actual value doesn't matter



Two_dim = logical(Two_dim);




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