Selecting the language for the Permanent menu using the facebook botton

I am currently making a bot for a Facebook messenger. My bot is multilingual, but the problem is I can't find a way to change the language in the bot menu to suit the user.

Do you have any ideas on how to fix this problem?

I can't seem to find a solution:


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3 answers

So facebook answer:

Sorry, there is no way to set up local right now. This works as intended, but the team will keep your feedback on track for their next milestones. Hope this helps.



If you support 10 or less languages, one solution could be at the start of every conversation, send a message and choose their language using quick replies

EDIT: The persistent menu cannot be different for users, so I don't think this persistent menu is multilingual.



As of March 2017 (platform 1.4) this is supported.

From Facebook docs ...

Localization: Developers can now provide text in multiple languages โ€‹โ€‹(or completely different menus) for each local user that bot users can get from.



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