How to add a custom parameter for a large io Web Auto-Collection

I am using interesting events to create a web collection like page views, clicks and form submission. I want to add custom parameters like User ID, Org ID, Org Name for these events. How can i do this?


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2 answers

Try using the expand events method to add additional properties to the events dispatched with the auto-collector.

// Extend events for a single collection
client.extendEvent('transaction', {});
client.extendEvent('transaction', function(){
	return {};

// Extend events for all collections
	return {};

// Example usage

var userProps = {
	full_name: 'User Dude',
	email: '',
	id: 'f1233423h',
	username: 'userdude213'

// Include a predefined 'user' object with every purchase event
client.extendEvent('purchases', {
	'user': userProps

// Include a predefined 'user' object with every event
	'user': userProps

// Include a dynamic 'keen.timestamp' property with every event
	return {
		keen: {
			timestamp: new Date().toISOString()

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This is the small snippet I am using to enter extended data into Keen IO Web Auto-Collection:


    var userProps = {
        username : "Any given username",
        uid  : 123,
        other: "data"

        'user': userProps


This snippet should be added after the code for Auto-Collector ( ).

And this will increase the property user

for all collection events triggered by the Auto-collector (pageviews, clicks and forms).



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