Set text box text based on character list

So, I have the following form:

enter image description here

What I am trying to achieve is the following:

After entering the name, I want the initials of the name to be generated by simply clicking the initials text box.

I found the following method to get the first characters of a string:

string EngineerName = tb_Name.Text.ToString();
EngineerName.Split(' ').ToList().ForEach(i => Console.Write(i[0] + " "));


My question is, how would I assign a list of characters to the text textbox


I tried:

private void Tb_Initials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string EngineerName = tb_Name.Text.ToString();
            EngineerName.Split(' ').ToList().ForEach(i => Console.Write(i[0] + " "));

            tb_Initials.Text = EngineerName;



But this just populates the textbox with the same name ...


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3 answers

You need to assign the split result somewhere. Consider this piece of code:

string EngineerName = tb_Name.Text.ToString();
string initials = "";
EngineerName.Split(' ').ToList().ForEach(i => initials += i[0] + " ");

tb_Initials.Text = initials;




You can do something like this:

private void Tb_Initials_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        tb_Initials.Text = "";
        string EngineerName = tb_Name.Text;
        string[] splitted = EngineerName.Split(' ');
        for(int i = 0; i<splitted.Length; i++)
            tb_Initials.Text += splitted[i];





You need to assign it directly:

string EngineerName = tb_Name.Text.ToString();
var initials = "";
EngineerName.Split(' ').ToList().ForEach(i => initials += i[0] + " ");
//trim the extra space in the end.
initials = initials.TrimEnd();
tb_Initials.Text = initials;




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