PHP Fatal error reduced memory size

I am writing a codeigniter application, after making the request, I get the following fatal error.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size 134217728 bytes exhausted allocate 262144 bytes) in / var / www / html / cryd / _zcore / core / Loader.php on line 262

I could increase the allowed memory size, but it seems like the problem could be much more serious, if it was a memory leak, I would just give php more memory to play with. The query is not even that intense, it just returns one row of data.

Here is my controller

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Invest_webhook extends CI_Controller {

    private $web_msg = null;
    private $proceed = 1;
    private $data = null;
    private $receive = null;
    private $complete = 0;
    private $member = null;
    private function loadPage($page,$data=null){
        $data = array_merge($data,$this->lang->language);

    public function webhook(){
        echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
        //$update = file_get_contents("php://input");
        //$update = json_decode($update,true);

        $update = array(
            'notification_id' => '57233292b6a3d133e9c83822',
            'delivery_attempt' => 1,
            'type' => 'address',
            'data' => Array(
                'network' => "BTCTEST",
                'address' => '2N1jfZt8Uc721FAWNjdVpQZjfTxeG271RKy',
                'balance_change' => 1.00000000,
                'amount_sent' => 0.00000000,
                'amount_received' => 1.00000000,
                'txid' => '',
                'confirmations' => 4,
                'is_green' => false
            'created_at' => 1497176944

        $data = $this->get_investment_data($update['data']['address']);
            die('This address does not exist');

        $this->data = $data[0];
        $this->member = $this->get_member_data($this->data['tid']);

        //Start the process to verify transaction and credit investment

        //$parameter = $this->web_msg;
        //include APPPATH."libraries/telegrambotv2.php";
        //$bot = new Telegram('331263599:AAEpHNAdyN1X5TenBk_QkJdt7xfwzDI6YeQ','bot');

        echo $this->web_msg."<br/>";        

    private function verify_investment(){
        include APPPATH."/libraries/BlockIo.php";
        $block = new BlockIo($this->config->item('api_token'),$this->config->item('api_secret'));
        $address = ($this->data['address']);
        $receive = $block->get_address_balance(array('addresses' => $address));

        $receive = $receive->data->available_balance;

        $expect = $this->data['inv'];

        echo '<br/>'.$receive."<br/>".$expect."<br/>";
        if($receive == $expect){

            $this->receive = $receive;
            return true;
        $this->proceed = 0;
        $this->web_msg = 'inv_mismatch';
        return false;

    private function get_member_data($tid){
        return $this->get_member_data($tid);

    private function update_investment(){

        $einv = $this->member['inv'];


        $new_inv = $einv + $this->receive;
        $this->member['inv'] = $new_inv;
        $this->member['last_inv'] = 'NOW()';
        $this->data['confirmed'] = 1;

            $this->web_msg = 'inv_complete';
            $this->complete = 1;
            return true;
        } else {
            $this->proceed = 0;
            $this->web_msg = 'inv_unx_err';
            return false;

    private function get_investment_data($address){
        return $this->invest->investment_data($address);

    private function log($text){
        $file = fopen(APPPATH."/logs/investments/log.log",'a');


and here is my model

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Invest_model extends CI_Model {
    public function __construct(){

    public function investment_data($address){
        $f = $this->db->get('investments');
        return $f->result_array();

    public function current_investment($tid){
        $f = $this->db->get('users');
        $f = $f->row_array();
        return $f;

    public function get_member_data($tid){
        echo "<hr/>";
        echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
        echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
        $f = $this->db->get('users');
        echo memory_get_peak_usage()."<br/>";
        return $f->row_array();

    public function update_investment($inv,$member){
        if($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE){
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;



I'm not concerned with where I can optimize this further, its quite simple and straight forward, if this is a problem in my logical judgment, hopefully a better mind than mine can define and continue me.

Thanks in advance.


source to share

4 answers

Place this line in your index.php codeigniter. Thus, it will affect the entire project.

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');


Note. It's just a quick fix. This error was not resolved in php itself.



Your code looks great. Check if any function is called again.

you can use

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');


as a temporary solution. or just increasememory_limit

Chceck you php.ini

file. If it is in the form below,



Change this to MB form



You can also do this in your code like

ini_set('memory_limit', '8192M'); 




If you want to know where memory goes, you should look into PHP memory profiling: PHP Memory Profiling

Personally, I would just increase PHP max_memory to 256MB and see if that's enough;)



The problem arises because the private method kept calling itself over and over until the allocated memory is exhausted and the script stops executing

private function get_member_data($tid){
    return $this->get_member_data($tid);


This is a silly human error, the above method should be rewritten below

private function get_member_data($tid){
//Call to model method
    return $this->invest->get_member_data($tid);


Sorry, thanks everyone.



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