Using an EntityManager unwrapped method in a managed transaction bean

I am using Hibernate session derived from method em.unwrap(..)

. I couldn't find any information on whether I should release it after use. The operation is managed by the bean and the entity manager is injected using @Inject


    boolean transactionSuccess = false;
    try {
        final Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class);
        transactionSuccess = true;
    } finally {


I am assuming that the object manager instance is container-managed. Since session is more or less the main implementation, should I release it? This is AutoCloseable

in the end.

the only relevant information I found was (but seems to be vanilla JPA): After using the pivot method on entitymanager, to get my own hibernate session, do I need to close both?


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1 answer

No, you requested the underlying entity, the responsibility for closing that entity rests with the EntityManager.

A session that will be AutoCloseable makes sense when you are working with unpacked Hibernate.



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