Is it possible to get all relationships available for an entity from CRM using the web api?

I have a requirement to get and show all available entity relationships in an HTML page separately. For example: if I selected "Account" on the html page, I should be able to see the 1: N, N: 1 and N: N relationships of the Account object.

I have tried below queries and I feel like it is not helping me correctly. Please suggest me a workaround for this.

https://<CRMORGNAME>/api/data/v8.2/RelationshipDefinitions/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.ManyToOneRelationshipMetadata?$select=Entity1LogicalName,SchemaName&$filter=Entity1LogicalName eq 'account'




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1 answer

You can do it like this:

One for many:$select=SchemaName,RelationshipType


Many to one:$select=SchemaName,RelationshipType


Many for many:$select=SchemaName,RelationshipType


Of course, you must first get the correct EntityDefinition (in this case for account "70816501-edb9-4740-a16c-6a5efbc05d84")$select=SchemaName,LogicalName,MetadataId&$filter=LogicalName eq 'account'




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