Neo4j cypher: set cutofftime (datetime) property for node
You need to set the datetime property for node. Need to create node Work:
CREATE (w:Work {type: "tech", mode: "E", cut_off_time: "12:10:00"})
There is a way that I can define hours, minutes and year as different properties:
{hours: 12, minutes: 10, seconds: 00}
but how can i set it as one property. How can I define it as a datetime object in neo4j, or is it just treated as a string.
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1 answer
Neo4j has no datatype datetime
. So you can keep it:
- as a string how you do
- in multiple fields (like you suggested)
- with a time tree like nodes ( )
- how long in the property (ex: time in minutes)
The choice is yours, but it depends on what requests you would like to make.
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