How to ensure that the date is valid?

My code below assigns specific parts of a filename to a variable. The important thing here is the "yearandmonth" variable, which is a string formatted as "yyyy-mm"

Dim fileparts() As String
            Dim delimiter As String = " - "
            Dim company As String
            Dim type As String
            Dim bank As String
            Dim bankaccount As String
            Dim yearandmonth As String 
            Dim fileyear As String
            Dim filemonth As String

            fileparts = Split(localFileName, delimiter)
            company = fileparts(0)
            type = fileparts(1)
            bank = fileparts(2)
            bankaccount = fileparts(3)
            yearandmonth = Left(fileparts(4), 7) ' RESULTS IN A STRING THAT WILL LOOK LIKE "yyyy-mm"
            fileyear = Left(yearandmonth, 4) ' results in "yyyy"
            filemonth = Right(yearandmonth, 2) ' results in "mm"


How can I ensure that the output with yearandmonth is a valid year, month, and contains "-"?


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1 answer

You can use DateTime.TryParse method to check if date string is a valid date format as below code:

Dim dateStrings() As String = {"yyyy-mm"}
Dim dateValue As Date

If DateTime.TryParseExact(mystring, dateStrings, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateValue) Then
    'Do for Valid Date
    'Do for Invalid Date
End If




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