Alternative to Math.pow "**" ES7 polyfill for IE11

I am trying to evaluate an expression that contains cardinality in a string like **

. those. eval("(22**3)/12*6+3/2")

... The problem is that Internet Explorer 11 won't recognize this and will not throw a syntax error. What polyfill should I use to overcome this? I am currently using Modernizr 2.6.2


a rough equation would be,



If this cannot be done, what are the possible alternatives?


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3 answers

You cannot polyfill statements - only library members (prototypes, constructors, properties).

Since your operation is limited to a call eval

, you can try to write your own expression parser, but that will be a lot of work.

(As an aside, you shouldn't use it eval

anyway for very good reasons that I won't be involved in this post.)

Another option (hack-ish) is to use a regex to detect trivial cases x**y

and convert them to Math.pow


function detectAndFixTrivialPow( expressionString ) {

    var pattern = /(\w+)\*\*(\w+)/i;

    var fixed = expressionString.replace( pattern, 'Math.pow($1,$2)' );
    return fixed;

eval( detectAndFixTrivialPow( "foo**bar" ) );




You can use regex to replace occurrences **

with Math.pow()


let expression = "(22**3)/12*6+3/2"
let processed = expression.replace(/(\w+)\*\*(\w+)/g, 'Math.pow($1,$2)');


Run code

Things can get complicated if you start using nested or chained cardinality expressions.



I think you need to do some preprocessing of the input. This is how I approach it:

  • Find the string "**" on the line.
  • Check what's left and right.
  • Extract the "complete expressions" left and right - if there is only a number - take it as is, and if there is a parenthesis - find the matching one and take everything inside as an expression.
  • Replace 2 expressions with Math.pow (left, right)


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