Failed to load connector module composer-connector-hlfv1 for connection profile hlfv1

I am trying to deploy my blockchain network to a cloud server, but the following command to deploy bna file in a running hyperlink instance fails:

composer network deploy -a basic-sample-network.bna -p hlfv1 -i PeerAdmin -s randomString

I've tried the following things:

  • uninstalling and installing composer-cli
  • uninstalling and then installing node and npm.

    I am getting the error mentioned in the title. Any help is appreciated. Thanks to


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6 answers

try it. This worked for me

$ npm install grpc




This usually indicates a problem with the upstream installation. For example. failed to compile native npm modules. Are you sure you npm install -g composer-cli

really worked? What do you see if you run composer --version




In the root folder and navigate to the installed comp-cli folder (I have this: / usr / local / lib / node_modules / composer-cli) and run npm unsafe rebuild (npm rebuild --unsafe-perm)



In my case, I installed node globally and it had npm installed and node_modules installed prior to working with HyperLedger. The HyperLedger documentation asks for the use of nvm, and hence I used it. This caused problems and I was unable to complete composer related tasks.

I completely removed node / nvm from my Mac and installed nvm and proceeded to install the Fabric based node module installation to this localized node installation.

Things worked out smoothly from now on.



I had a previous version of node and npm installed and this resulted in multiple steps for failure and success later. So I completely uninstalled Node, NPM and reinstalled NVM and node via [NVM]. 1

All my problems just disappeared.



After several attempts to fix the error, I fixed it as follows:

First of all, make sure you only have one node installed. You can check this using:

node -v
nvm run node --version



nvm ls-remote node


If there are two versions of node that were in my case, remove the last one (or the other)

nvm uninstall 9.8.0(LATEST)
nvm use 8.10.0(OLD)
nvm alias default v8.10.0 (vOLD)


Second, make sure the composer-cli version and composer-client version are the same.

Finally, run your Nodejs code and let us know if it works.



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