UTF-8 character does not print with Zebra printer

I am trying to print Persian character on my Zebra Z410 label printer. But somehow it prints ?????. The ZPL code I am sending to the printer is



I am using Zebra Setup Utilities-Open with a printer. Please, help!

enter image description here


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1 answer

The example above does not include ^ CI28, which will allow you to use UTF-8 instead of a hexadecimal field.

^ XA

^ FO50,50

^ PA1,1,1,1

^ A @N, 50,50, E: TT0003M_.TTF ^ CI28 ^ FD عاسشاتعفثه ^ FS

^ XZ

Zebra Configuration Utilities do not handle UTF-8 correctly. I just checked with PuTTY on a network printer and UTF was handled properly. The SDK also has examples on how to print using UTF-8.

     // Print a stored format with the given variables. This ZPL will store a format on a printer,
 // for use with example3.
 // This example also requires the ANMDS.TTF font to have been download to the printer prior to using this code.
 // ^FS
 // ^FT26,223^FH^A@N,56,55,E:ANMDS.TTF^CI28^FH\^FN12"Customer Name"^FS
 // ^FT26,316^FH\^A@N,56,55,E:ANMDS.TTF^FH\^FN11"Invoice Number"^FS
 // ^FT348,73^FH^A@N,39,38,E:ANMDS.TTF^FH\^FN13"Vendor Name^FS
 // ^BY2,4^FT643,376^B7N,4,0,2,2,N^FH\^FDSerial Number^FS
 // ^FO5,17^GB863,379,8^FS
 // ^XZ

 private void example3() throws ConnectionException {
     Connection connection = new TcpConnection("", TcpConnection.DEFAULT_ZPL_TCP_PORT);
     try {
         ZebraPrinter printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection);
         Map<Integer, String> vars = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
         vars.put(12, "东风伟世通汽车饰件系统有限公司"); // Customer Name
         vars.put(11, "订单号"); // Invoice Number
         vars.put(13, "供应商名称"); // Vendor Name
         printer.printStoredFormat("E:FORMAT3.ZPL", vars);
     } catch (ConnectionException e) {
     } catch (ZebraPrinterLanguageUnknownException e) {
     } finally {





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