How do I call a method from the parent when the child is clicked?

I have two components: parent and child. Child I have a button. I want when the user clicks this button in the child method to call which is in the parent. Any suggestion?


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1 answer

It is very simple angular and you will find many examples through the tutorials at .

But if you still can't find it, you should use a decorator @Output

, set a field for it EventEmitter

and call emit

on button click. This way you can attach your parent to it using event notation ()



   selector: 'parent',
   template: `<child (buttonClick)="onButtonClick($event)"></child>`
export class ParentComponent {

   public onButtonClick(event: MouseEvent): void {
      // ...




    selector: 'child',
    template: `<button (click)="buttonClick.emit($event)"></button>`
export class ChildComponent {

   public buttonClick: EventEmitter<MouseEvent> = new EventEmitter<MouseEvent>();





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